«Juliana please contact me. I must talk to you. Your friendship means so much to me. I care about you. Reply to me here and at cam.reviews under your section. I'm trying so hard to communicate with you as you can see. Please find me. Illl always be at lj waiting for a msg from you and also at cam.reviews xoxox»
«Juliana contact me I must must must talk to you. Your friendship means so much to me. Im so fucking sad.
(((( covert1»
«Juliana please contact me. I must talk to you. Your friendship means so much to me. I care about you. Reply to me here and at cam.reviews under your section. I'm trying so hard to communicate with you as you can see. Please find me. Illl always be at lj waiting for a msg from you and also at cam.reviews xoxox»